Topic: Defense stat, time for a change

Hi James,

why do you keep defense stat hanging to be useless for so long? You already got it perfectly implemented in UI, Character sheet and stat points distribution system.

Is it that hard to update defense stat to increase Armor Rating in some logical ratio?
Something like 5-10 Defense stats = +1 Armor Rating ?

Or if you dont want to bother with defense, lets change that stat to something different like "Spell power", 10 Spellpower stats = + 0.1% Damage to all spells, Mages are stupidly weak for a later game to be honest and many spells are not working or doesnt even exist like Apocalypse spell (damage all monsters around the caster) or Earthquake damage is weak as hell.

Thanks for your opinion on this topic.

Andrew / Xixao

Last edited by Xixao Mage (July 5th, 2024 12:45 PM)


Re: Defense stat, time for a change

Defense stat should be kept, just change it to work properly. Either Magic or Intelligence stat should raise spell dmg. Also most spells should be reworked (at least their damage), most of them are useless and are never used, mages will only use energy bolt (also mainly at pit, raids etc, it's just useless out of those, you're probably running out of mana before you kill a monster), chain lightning and new charged bolt (potion of electricity is scarce nowadays). 0.1% dmg per 10 stat wouldnt work either, 1500 stats = 15% dmg, highest dmg spell must be ebolt or earthquake and even at max level +15% dmg will add like 10-15 dmg. Maybe the solution would be spell dmg scale better per level, maybe a lv10 Fireball be changed to what Fireball is at Haggy dungeon (or create a potion of flame just like potion of electricity for charged bolt). There are many ways to make mages playable.

Last edited by Supla (July 6th, 2024 4:31 PM)


Re: Defense stat, time for a change

Also the weirdest thing in Faldon is Fire % dmg and Electricity % dmg work on physical weapons, but not on spells. They should work on spells too. There are no preffix and suffix for mages, best one is Wolf which adds 12 magic and that's nothing, it doesnt make any difference to mages. There are good presufs to warriors, like Orcish/Titans, the % dmg ones, theres even alectos wrath that add more dmg to warriors than an Orcish/Titans Berserker Talisman. Add stats like Spell Penetration % to mage presufs, so mages can have a chance against Rock Titans, Stone Golems and monsters that have good resists (or even 100% resists). To be honest, even warriors presufs are mostly useless (besides % dmg ones), but, unlike mages, warriors are op. So maybe a rework to all or most preffix and suffix would be interesting too.

Last edited by Supla (July 6th, 2024 4:36 PM)


Re: Defense stat, time for a change

Hi Supla,

I totally agree with you.

So defense should raise Armor rating and Inteligence should raise spell damage in %.

And of course the spells in general really needs help from James, Mages are really weak without the possibility of more varied game strategies. And many spells are unusable or even missing.

We'll have to wait for James' statement.

James? big_smile


Re: Defense stat, time for a change

Stats always seemed really imbalanced and strange. I remember it was kinda weird how arbitrary some of them are. Like, don't you need 40 or some odd amount of magic for it to replenish more mana per tick? But you get 5 points per level, and no where does it tell you anything about this 40 number, or what any of the stats even do to modify anything.  big_smile


Re: Defense stat, time for a change

Master Wu wrote:

Stats always seemed really imbalanced and strange. I remember it was kinda weird how arbitrary some of them are. Like, don't you need 40 or some odd amount of magic for it to replenish more mana per tick? But you get 5 points per level, and no where does it tell you anything about this 40 number, or what any of the stats even do to modify anything.  big_smile

Yeah, lol. 40 magic for more mana regen, 70 constitution for more health regen... Also yea, you can't see about that anywhere, Faldon has always lack of information and intuitiveness