Topic: Peasants are able to buy Houses?

I thought for sure only C's could buy houses, but it looks like you can buy one as a P. Is this correct?



1. With a peasant account
2. Navigate to any vacant House
3. Click the House NPC
4. Notice that you are able to purchase the House

Peasants are able to buy Houses

Only Citizens should be able to purchase Houses


Re: Peasants are able to buy Houses?

I am not sure that this is a bug, but I could be wrong.
I assumed a GM did this change when the server got quiet, and hardly anyone was logging on.
Maybe that Spy guy has some insight on this.


Re: Peasants are able to buy Houses?

Houses are script run, there must have been a change to it at some point. Spy comes to mind as well, I think it's his script


Re: Peasants are able to buy Houses?

There is a flag in the script to make it C-only. In the last version of the script that I could find (from 2016) the flag is set to false. So I guess at some point houses were made available to Peasants as well. Might have changed it due to the majority of houses being unowned.


Re: Peasants are able to buy Houses?

Its not a bug- its a feature.

Evil Devil - Prometherion