Topic: Game Improvements via Guild Related Improvements

I've been wracking my brain over the issues the game is facing, and I feel like there are a few opportunities to kill many birds with a couple stones.

The Guild system lacks any real substance. We spawn in a guild hall, we have a guild chat, but there's no real reason for it outside of that.

I think guild halls should have unique properties that make them valuable. One might have a mining node that has infinite resources for miners, one might have a punching bag that you could hit infinitely to raising fighting skills, one could have a fishing pond that has infinite fish. Heck, they could even have a magical aura that gives you exp based on how much damage you do to it. Guilds could have more than one "node" that allows a particular benefit if they pay whatever the cost is, currency, items, quests, or actions.

These could be balanced with the cost of rent of the guild house, or need to be fed by unique items only found in certain quests.

They could be fed by gold, lost artifacts or whatever the game currently needs to clamp down on to sink items into to balance. They could be fed off performing certain actions that you would have to be at the computer to accomplish.

This would provide a lot of things to do, and drama as people would fight over guild participation or sharing resources to accomplish tasks. It could reward people who chose to work together and create a cool experience in a multiplayer game.

It also could limit the perceived necessity for botting, while giving people who wish to accomplish the rewards brought on by botting. All while fostering a community effort to accomplish a common goal.

This could be tested and balanced at first with relatively low impact stuff, like a "Training Dummy" for raising warrior skills. Most people are doing this anyway by using 2 characters, one with high AGI and STAM that can withstand infinite hits. Or a "Mana aura" that you can mana thief infinitely, as people are using chars with high MAG to accomplish this effect.

Out of retirement... for now.