Topic: Max Skills - Blessing or a Curse? - Divine Fisherman
So, I have neglected to boast about reaching theoretical max skills for a month or so now. I am roughly within a few points of actual max, but the increased "Agility/Constitution stat" has changed this a lot. So there might be a few points left to gain, for the crazies out there. But all in all, other than throwing some small amount of wasted time and money at the problem, I am essentially max skills as the game stands today.
So why can this be a curse? Well as the current code stands, it encourages, or possibly forces a maxed player to take on divine fisherman, as it is the last skill on the old client tree/skill number code, to be able to reach divine. It is sort of disappointing this is the reward, but it is...
How to fix this, short term...
Easiest way is make an NPC. And allow a player a one time a calendar year change to change their title, only if they have more than one divine skill. Skill level should be required to be 200.50.
If they want to change it more often, if one would allow it, you could ask for gold pieces, anywhere from 100k-250k would be reasonable in my opinion. Being cheap, I would just sit on the free one a year.
Long term fix:
Depends on the path of the game really. But I find it kind of odd an elite player is forced to such a silly skill title. Unless they want it.
So yes, I am a Divine fisherman, at least until something changes.
It would be nice to see the other skills finished, but I am not pushing for that, as I would rather see Faldon mature naturally.
However a quick fix that would benefit many players that have more than one divine skill would be something like this.
I hope everyone had a good holiday season that I did not talk to during the time, Looking forward to some positive changes in the future! I enjoyed the new Winter art by WU, even though I heard some complaints, I rather liked it a lot! And sure some fixes are required to perfect the game, but the art was not the issue, it was a symptom of a previous issue that was just not tested well. Anyway, I hope this gets some good backing and a good eye. Please input on the title subject. I feel its not game changing in any way, and more like a "skin" that might be deserved.