For those wondering what was wrong with the day/night cycle...
Previously, it would say "the sun comes up" a few Faldon-hours after the new day (hour 0).
It would be at full brightness at this point.
Then, it would proceed to get darker.
Then, it would get lighter again.
Then, it would say "the sun is going down".
Then, the day would end.
In other words, the actual sun was reversed from the time of day. This must have been a very long-standing bug.
Anyway, in my correction, I have the sun come up about 6AM and go down about 6PM. The brightness is what it should be. So there's no actual message at the "new day" (midnight). I like the legendary Roman calendar for days, but would be interested if anyone knows good historical ways of marking time-of-day. I expect some used sunrise as the start of the day. Luckily I don't have to fix the days if I make a change to this, because I can move the sun, so we can change that freely. Thoughts on marking time of day are welcome.