Topic: holding key makes it repeat hot bar skills.

I've been trying to get to a place where I can play Faldon without any sort of external macros.  With all the changes to pathfinding over the past year, it's really getting close!  I can finally play with mouse movement and my left hand on hotkeys.  My only real issue comes from having to constantly hit the key my potions are tied to in order to heal.  If I could just hold the hot bar key and have it repeat, I could play completely macro free.

This is also a huge issue with any of the gathering skills.  It's just not doable to chop trees for any length of time without a macro hitting right click for you.  If I could just hold right click, it would be a relaxing change of pace to gather.

Pennywise - 7 Seconds - Fugazi - Husker Du


Re: holding key makes it repeat hot bar skills.

Could also consider adding a special slot which automatically consumes potions/food in there when health drops below a certain point.

As for gathering skills, I agree. It should work similarly to how you can keep attacking targets with left mouse down.